Brilliant Life

Clean Life Streams

Who likes unclean anything? As you wisely choose who you’ll allow entrance into the various aspects of your life, today’s word of encouragement is to ‘keep clean streams’. There is a wonderfully clean river whose streams are just what God ordered for you to flow in.

Sometimes, mixing and mingling with unclean streams can throw you off center, cause an ever-so-slight spirit of confusion to creep into your plans, but WHEN REALIZED can serve to point you back to the pure gold of God’s love, His Word, His Holy Spirit and perfect union and alignment in Christ again. Your spirit, mind, will and emotions flow cleanly and in unison once again.

I am often asked what are some of the signs that you may be ‘off-flow.’  Usually, but not always, there will be an uneasiness and a heaviness of spirit, and may be accompanied by a second-guessing, questioning IS THIS REALLY what God has called me to do, or is this other ‘stream’ more appealing and more easily accomplished. When you are flowing in the wrong direction and in UNCLEAN streams, you’ll start making small compromises to what you previously held FIRMLY on.  Know this, God will often  bring subtle and sometimes, for our own wellbeing and growth,  NOT SO SUBTLE checkmarks to bring you back to clean, fresh water.

That is the time to trust your spirit, and Christ in you the GLORY LIGHT, to lead you back to purifying, cleansing and life-giving streams.  This is the time to pray perfect union of your will with God’s will.

Your spirit is relying on your free-will choices to stay fresh, alive, vibrant and PURE moving, living and having your being in clean streams of LIFE.

May all streams lead to the perfect will of God for your life, MAY they be life-giving, purifying, cleansing and lead to a very glad city, especially appointed for your GOOD works.

Blessings ♦

 CoachpreneurJudyann | Brilliant Life by Divine Design®