Brilliant Life

Hold Your Vision


Got Vision?

Whether you are believing and holding vision for new fun trustworthy relationships, a joyful career change or uplevel, or perhaps magnificence of health in a particular arena, here are some keys to assist you in stabilizing you’re ability to HOLD VISION.     Perhaps your vision is to think more positively about yourself and others — whatever the VISION  you are designed to manifest wonder, joy and SUCCESS in your life.     That’s God’s beautiful design for you and YOUR life.   Perhaps one or more of these insights may be helpfully applied to your ability to HOLD YOUR VISION.

♦   Clarify your DESIRE  for the vision.   What are the desires, impetus and inner or outer motives circling WITHIN the vision.   As you set intentions clearly, purposefully and with emotionally-charged desire, the picture and vision becomes alive with possibility.  Ascribe GOODNESS to the vision.      Know that your desires, needs and wants are important, worthwhile and of incredible value — to you, to God and to others!

♦  FORTIFY your vision with positive affirmations – words, thoughts and  emotions – infused with feelings of joy, fulfillment, purpose, gladness, peace and harmony.    Allow your emotional self to help you by remembering previously joyful positive experiences and pull on that to illicit the atmosphere you want to create for THIS vision.    Choose THOUGHTS on purpose and bathe your vision with words of positivity.     Remember, thought action directs physical action.  

♦  ENVISION yourself within the vision.   What are you doing, what new people have been drawn into your life, how do you think differently, what actions have been modified.   What do you LOOK like in this vision, not only physically, but also mentally, emotionally and spiritually.     What new  feelings come to your heart — are you smiling again?    Journal them out, write them down, start a VISION board.

♦  INFUSE your vision with prayer, meditation and specific loving disciplines of gratitude and empowerment.    A grateful heart, a thankful spirit, a calm spirit is drawn joyfully within the vision and participates proactively and powerfully  in it’s manifestation.     Empowerment comes from a place of calm, purposeful resolve and divine alignment.

♦  Finally,  remember, thought action directs physical action.    Trust that as you hold vision with your positive infusion of thoughts, words, prayers and intentions your steps will be directed, you will be propelled into purposeful rightly aligned action.

Also, know that  every VISION HOLD will by it’s nature uproot anything in the way of it’s fulfillment.  Knowing this while HOLDING VISION allows release of clutter and confusion without all the drama.   And if there is a bit of upheaval, know it’s part of the ‘vision-surgery’ needed to bring about the VISION PROMISE.

I encourage you today with words of blessing and assurances of confidence as you HOLD VISION.    Know that your tenacity of spirit, strength of heart and clarity of mind will position you well for all that is within your VISION POTENTIAL.


God has the very best, the ABSOLUTE BEST for you—HOLD THAT THOUGHT!   And HOLD THAT VISION ♦



SPIRITLife | Insights Coach Judyann – Brilliant Life by Divine Design®