Brilliant Life,  Insights Coaching


Are you in the midst of a transition, personal or business change?   Or perhaps an unexpected loss or stubborn relationship issue.     If so, there may very well be some ‘desert crossings’ you’ll inevitably need to make in order to reach your desired oasis of resolved issues, completed transitions, or positive fresh change.

The situation, transition or change you face may seem like a vast desert at times ~~ forlorn, lonely, endless and virtually uninhabited.   Yet, there you find yourself.   So what’s an innovative person to do in this unwelcomed desert expanse?

Pitch a tent, of course!

And if you’re going to be a good tent-dweller, however temporary, here may be a few guidelines.   Remember, tents are temporary, provide limited shelter, but work well for intermittent life ‘camping out’ experiences.

  • Know that your tent-time is temporary.    Since problems and change are part of your desert trip, pitch you tent, purpose to dwell and ponder well.  Ask the tough questions of yourself, of others and of God.
  • Confidently expect change.  Don’t get too cozy in the tent-dwelling mode.  Snoop around outside the tent, you may spy some other passers-by that could give some sage advice, wise counsel, and much needed friendship.   Take in and absorb what you need —trusting and knowing that change is imminent.  Problems will resolve.  Relationships heal.   The winds of change always come.
  • When the winds of change come—purpose your heart to yield.   The wind gusts at times may prove a bit unsettling.   Yet trust this fresh wind to move you and your situation ~~  for the better.  Contrary to what may seem logical or feel safe, choose not to hunker down in the tent.  The Wind is here!   It’s time to pull up stakes, pack up the tent, load your proverbial camel and  MOVE  ON.    You may need sand goggles and have to deal with a bit of sand grit in your teeth, but you are on the move!  Remember, the wind is in your favor!

So, as you see,  when you purpose to view your tent-dwelling time as temporary, confidently expect change and yield to the wind of purposeful change,  there will be positive movement,  some surprising unexpected solutions and much personal progress and satisfaction.     Along with a healing or two.

You will undoubtedly have some success stories, as well as sage advice of your own to share with your particular world, as you reach your much sought after oasis.  Dwell well my friend!

Coachpreneur™ Judyann | Brilliant Life by Divine Design™ LLC


Schedule your Coaching Session Today for ‘Heart Sense’ Mentoring, Visual Insights, Tips, Techniques and Strategies to navigate YOUR desert!    Click on the the  Heart Sense Coaching Button on the right and we’ll schedule you in promptly!