Brilliant Life

In Facing your Fears, are you a Bull or a Cow?

What are you facing today?

Is there a fear you aren’t facing?   Sidestepping?    Hoping will just vanish?     What have you relied on in the past that is just not working today, as you face new fears or one of life’s storms?

There is a saying that goes like this:  ‘bulls run into a storm, cows run away from it’.

Well, we’re not cows or bulls but human nature doesn’t always want to face problems, fears, anxieties head on.   We may need a little time to stop, turn around and FACE the storm. To be strengthened to go into it full on.  Get the help we need. Depending on the size of the fear, or force of the storm, we may begin to look for alternative ports FROM the storm while IN the storm.  That’s where it gets interesting.

What might you be relying on for guidance?   There’s no crystal ball, tea leaves at the bottom of a cup, or daily horoscopes that will safely, clearly, truly lead you out of your storm.   But there is a source that will never fail, never mislead, never condemn, and never point you in the wrong direction.   Never.

God_inside.jpgThat source is the spirit of the living God richly abundantly purposefully dwelling within and without —  willing, longing, desiring us to call upon His magnificence and wisdom.    Our part?   We need to cut the clatter, quell all the voices and get to the still quiet waters of God.

I know from personal experience facing and living through some very difficult storms that my attempts to just do something, anything almost always met with more struggle,  until I got quiet and listened.

When I listened, gleaned, interpreted God’s path from our time together, then purposeful action arose and it met with little resistance.

The right people showed up, solutions appeared and opportunities arose.

God is really good at showing us our part, and defining what is His part.   I’ve noticed it always seems to involve surrendering something, whether a misbelief or lie about God and his love toward us, about what we’ve believed or been told about ourselves that isn’t true, or perhaps even the magnitude, scope and size of the situational storm and the very fear attached to it.     I believe it’s at that point of acknowledgement and surrender that clean clear waters flowing with solutions come to us.

There are times to read, journal, study scripture or other wonderful books and teachings, but for the biggest storms we face, I am convinced not only by experience but by His very witness to me that we must be still and  ‘come to the garden alone’ for insight, clarity and direction.

From that time spent in practicing God’s presence, abiding, communing with God, our unique intimate relationship is formed, strengthened and made secure.   Within our intimate relationship with God,  we’ll get the direction, the answers, the first steps to our desired destination filled with overcoming solutions, trusted advisors and needed resources.

That’s where the power is, where the answers await discovery, and solutions with a personal divine ‘mapquest’ attached can be found.

Have you acknowledged that source today?   Have you invited God into your problem?

The storm takes on a whole new hue when you do.  It doesn’t look so ominous, threatening and debilitating.   Seems smaller already doesn’t it?

‘Bulls rush into the storm, cows run away’…… 

Divine enablement and guidance is yours for the asking.  May today be a day of quiet resolve, peace and supernatural solutions.

Coachpreneur™Judyann | Your Personal Spiritually Savvy Insights Coach

            ‘One Divine Insight is Worth Its Weight in Gold’ –               Coachpreneur™ Judyann



I invite you to schedule an Insights Session and allow me help you in whatever arena may be holding you back, with whatever fear is presenting itself.  Are you in a storm?   A ‘Divine Insights Session’ may be the added consultation that can confirm your instincts and help you step out, over and through!

  Visit the ‘Divine Insights Page’ today and I’ll get you scheduled in as quickly as possible.

It’s my passion, purpose and divine assignment to creatively mentor, coach and encourage Women of Divine Destiny in every area of  Brilliant Life by Divine Design™