Brilliant Life

Treasures of Darkness

There are seasons of intense refinement that can usher in new ways of thinking, acting and believing. In this season, there will be ‘Treasures of Darkness’ that will prove invaluable, irreplaceable and irrevocable, qualifying our very spirit, soul and body for greater measures of success, love and clarity.



Are you in just such a season?  Here are some keys to walking, standing and sitting during this high season of what may surely feel like life-altering treason against all you’ve accomplished, all you’ve dreamed and all you are working toward.

Firstly, as the veils come down, the light comes in and the shadows make themselves known, purpose to STAY IN THE PRESENT. Each day will bring revelation and insight, illumination and clarity with each decision that needs to be made, each feeling that needs to be felt and each authentic action that helps to keep the river of change fluidly moving.

Secondly, acknowledge its difficulty, the absolute rawness of such a season. Perhaps you are facing a job loss, an illness, a life-changing unwanted and unasked for transition, financial distress or major relationship changes. The odds may seem AGAINST you, but as you accept, acknowledge and succumb to the realities and truth of the season, the situation and yourself, you can allow space for God’s Divine Hand to guide you, lead you and provide connections and resources to pull you into newfound action, to provide the necessary insight and knowledge to weather the storm.

Thirdly, seek help, counsel and resources outside your normal spheres and contacts. I have a sister who sends me unusual but always timely articles and clippings that help springboard new ways of thinking, tips and clues as I follow the path to higher ground. Do you have someone like that in your life? If not, let this be the season to find just such new contacts. They are ALL AROUND YOU. Just look up and be willing to LOOK INTO new ways, new friendships, new resources.

TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF. This is the time to eliminate the excess, simplify, beautify and clarify your thoughts, actions and attitudes. Keep it simple. Ask with each expectation you put on yourself, is this reasonable and wise given my current circumstances? If not, say no — to yourself, to others and to outside agendas. You are in the ‘hopper’ and may be spinning as many plates as you can.

Allowing the power principles of faith, hope and love to permeate each aspect of your unique situation can serve to quiet the mind, inspire your heart and cause rest for your body.

And finally, a gentle reminder to ‘journal your journey’…your uniquely gleaned ‘treasures’ will help you remember what price you may have paid, what loss you personally suffered, and yet how the unmistakable hand of God, in goodness and mercy, ushered you through.  Those highlighted gleanings of your unique journey will help fill in the necessary puzzle pieces as you see the tapestry of God’s handiwork in your life.

May your ‘treasures of darkness’ usher in brilliant new light and life in every way.    May the Spirit of the Living God touch your heart, mind and spirit today with newfound blessings from your season ~~  Blessings.


Blessings ~~  SPIRITLife  Coachpreneur Judyann | Brilliant Life by Divine Design®