Brilliant Life

Emotional Investing


Have you ‘spent foolishly’ or ‘invested’ unwisely?   Have you paid too much for something only to find out later that you shelled out more than you had to?   What about with your valuable time, attention, caring and giving attitude in relationships.
I know at times I have, especially in certain relationships.  And the good news, I am learning. Sometimes slowly, sometimes swiftly.   My strong emotional quotient and strength as a natural empath can be pushed out of balance if I am not careful.   As a natural encourager, and positive empath, I do seem to get tested a little more than I would like in this arena.
For me, how much I invest can depend on how deeply my heart is engaged. So those wise spirit-inspired words ‘above all guard your heart‘ when allowed to run out in front of the investment can save much heartache.
Setting up checkpoints in relationships to see if you’re getting back on a fairly even level with what you’re putting in can keep your energy high and intentions intact.  It’s when you feel drained or prevailed upon one too many times with the same person, you have to take a step back and reassess.  Kind of like the cha-cha.  It may feel like two steps forward and one step back, but in the long run it may preserve your integrity and harmony.
Today, assess one relationship where you have found yourself sinking too much — of your time, your feelings, valuable energy or perhaps even money.
Trust you have what it takes to stop, look and listen. For years I used the red light, green light, yellow light as a quick marker to help me assess where not only the relationship is going, but where I AM going.
Emotions can be rudders for success or destruction. Use them, pay attention, but trust that inner voice of wisdom and wellspring of God’s love for you to guide, guard and protect.

Ask yourself the tough questions. Journal out the answers and insights.

Today’s a great day for just such an assessment.
Coachpreneur™ Judyann | Brilliant Life by Divine Design ™